
How do I cancel my apartment?

The first step to moving out of the Studentenpark is to give proper notice of termination in due time (see rental agreement) to the landlord or to the rental management company Dobak IMMOPartner GmbH; to avoid any formal errors, you will find a corresponding termination form here.

You will find the notice period in your rental agreement under §2 Rental period and termination

If you wish to leave the apartment before the official termination date, please indicate this on the termination form in addition to the end of the rental period.
Either you have a suitable new tenant available, or the rental management will try to find a new tenant for the apartment in question for the early termination date stated.
Correct information in the termination form is therefore particularly important.

If a suitable new tenant is found who would like to start their tenancy in accordance with your early end of tenancy, you will be notified by the tenancy management.

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