
Information about the deposit

Information about moving in

A deposit of three months‘ rent must be paid when the apartment is handed over.
You can bring this in cash to the apartment handover or transfer the money to the following account:

Owner: Dobak IMMOPartner
IBAN: DE81 1203 0000 1001 9237 03
Institute: Deutsche Kreditbank AG

In the case of a bank transfer, the money must be received in the specified account no later than the day the apartment is handed over.

Please understand that we cannot hand over the property without a deposit.


Information about the extract:

The security deposit is settled after the end of the tenancy.
The landlord does not have to return the security immediately at the end of the contract, but has a period of up to six months to review his claims against the tenant on the basis of which he still requires the security.
If only claims from the operating cost statement are still outstanding, the landlord can retain a portion as security, which is calculated on the basis of the expected amount to be paid in arrears.

© 2025 Dobak IMMOPartner GmbH Deggendorf